Предстоящие события
2021-06-03 10:00

Digital Change in the ELT Community

Представительство Издательства Кембриджского университета (Cambridge University Press) в России приглашает преподавателей английского языка принять участие в выступлениях и сессиях с участием спикеров и авторов CUP в рамках конференции NATE на базе МИСиС.

3 июня - выступление д-ра Питера Уоткинса (Dr Peter Watkins) "Reading Evolution: Helping Learners to Read Online"
Регистрация до 31 мая https://nate.misis.ru/

4 июня - Q&A session с профессором Дэвидом Кристаллом (David Christal) Вопросы нужно выслать до 15 мая - подробнее https://nate.misis.ru/question-david-crystal/

4 июня - выступление Сюзаны Энтон (Susana Anton) " Learning to learn with Cambridge One"
Регистрация до 31 мая https://nate.misis.ru/

О спикерах и конференции

Peter Watkins, Principal Lecturer at the School of Languages and Applied Linguistics, University of Portsmouth, is a keynote speaker at this year's NATE conference by invitation from Cambridge University Press. He will be talking about the evolution of reading in the digital age and how teachers can help their learners read effectively in online environments.

The 26th Annual NATE Conference, the largest professional event for English teachers in Russia gathering over 350 participants worldwide, will take place online on June 3-5th and is organized by the National Association of Teachers of English in collaboration with National University of Science and Technology MISIS. The General Partner of the event is Cambridge University Press.

The theme of the conference Digital Change in the ELT Community was inspired by the dynamics in the educational landscape of the past year, such as vast digitalization, requiring spur-of-the-moment creativity and agility from teachers across the country. The main tracks of the Conference include:

· English Language Research
· Digital Methodology
· Emerging Learner Types and Inclusion
· Teacher Development
· Intercultural Communication
· New Frontiers of Testing and Assessment.

Registration for the Conference is open until May 31st.

To learn more about this year's NATE conference

David Crystal

Cambridge University Press is happy to present David Crystal, a special guest of the 26th Annual NATE Conference, pre-eminent English language scholar, writer, editor, lecturer and broadcaster. His authored works are mainly in the field of language, and he is perhaps best known for his two encyclopedias for Cambridge University Press, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language and The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language.

Professor David Crystal will be holding an interactive session for pre-service teachers majoring in Pedagogy, Languages, Linguistics, Cultural and Communication Studies as well as students of English from Russian universities.

The participants are welcome to send in preliminary questions, the most interesting of which will be answered by Mr. Crystal during the session.

Submit your question by May 15 https://nate.misis.ru/question-david-crystal/

The 26th Annual NATE Conference, the largest professional event for English teachers in Russia gathering over 350 participants worldwide, will take place online on June 3-5th and is organized by the National Association of Teachers of English in collaboration with National University of Science and Technology MISIS. The General Partner of the event is Cambridge University Press.

Registration for the Conference is open until May 31st.

To learn more about this year's NATE conference

Susana Anton and Touchstone@MISIS

Susana Anton, Instructional Designer at Cambridge University Press, will participate in the special plenary section of the 26th Annual NATE Conference 'Tech Talks', devoted to technological solutions for English language teaching and learning. Susana's workshop will focus on developing students' learning skills with the digital learning platform Cambridge One.

The Conference will also feature a special event to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the partnership project between NUST MISIS and Cambridge University Press Touchstone@MISIS, a flagship language program for engineering students that pioneered the blended-learning model for language learning in higher education in Russia.

Registration for the Conference is open until May 31st

To learn more https://nate.misis.ru/