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2020-03-27 11:30

Professional Development Workshops OUP Russia

27th March 2020, 3:30 - 4:30pm MSK (UTC +3)
Listening and Speaking Skills
Listening and speaking often go hand in hand and in this presentation we will see how both skills can be made enjoyable by using games, technology and real life circumstances. Through the session we can see how we can help students who are shy and teach talkative students how to share their time with others.


Edmund Dudley - I am a freelance teacher, trainer, and author, based in Budapest. I have been teaching since 1992 at both secondary and upper-primary levels. My main areas of interest are teaching teenagers, working with mixed-ability groups, and using literature in the ELT classroom. I’m also interested in training trainers. I am the co-author of Mixed-Ability Teaching (2015, OUP) and the author of ETpedia Teenagers (2018, Pavilion). I have also written materials for the Teaching English to Teenagers online OTA course, and contributed materials to several OUP coursebooks, including English Plus SB and Insight TB. I have worked as a trainer and speaker for OUP in more than 25 countries. I am a skilled and confident conference speaker, comfortable in front of large audiences and also good at communicating with smaller groups. I am an OTA Trainer Trainer, and an experienced webinar speaker and trainer on OTA courses. Each summer I am a tutor at the English Language Teachers’ Summer Seminar held at Exeter College, Oxford. Working closely with teachers from so many different contexts has been an ongoing source of professional inspiration to me. As a trainer, I understand the importance of rapport, adaptability, and sensitivity to the here-and-now.

REGISTER: 27th March 2020, 3:30 - 4:30pm MSK (UTC +3)