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2020-05-27 13:00

Creating an intellectually stimulating classroom for teens and tweens

Представительство Издательства Кембриджского университета (Cambridge University Press) приглашает преподавателей английского языка принять участие в вебинаре Людмилы Александровны Кожевниковой “Creating an intellectually stimulating classroom for teens and tweens”, который состоится 27 мая в 17.00 по московскому времени.

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Подробнее о спикере и теме выступления

Ludmila Kozhevnikova, PhD, Associate Professor of Samara National Research University, Vice President of SETA, member of NATE and EALTA; CUP regional consultant. Her areas of academic expertise include testing and assessment, teacher training, multiple intelligences and learning styles, CLIL and critical thinking. She has over 60 publications, including a co-authored book “Exam Success” published by Cambridge University Press.

Creating an intellectually stimulating classroom for teens and tweens
Many teachers acknowledge the value of soft skills for their students, but are unsure of how to incorporate soft skills development into their lessons. We will look at how teachers can use the Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies to develop specific soft skills, and we will see how this can often have a positive impact on learning outcomes more broadly.

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