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ELTOC 2021 Block 4

Block 4: 27th February 2021, 10:00 - 11:00 GMT (UTC)

Low-tech Approach to Teaching Online: Online teaching solutions for primary learners by Joon Lee

Whether face-to-face or online, it is important to keep learners engaged and feeling connected to their coursework. With ELT currently in various transitional stages, many educators find themselves in a “used-to” but “not-fully-comfortable” state. Though high-tech teaching platforms and digital programs are being created and upgraded, often a relatively low-tech path can be equally effective.
In our session, we will explore how successful online teaching can be achieved through low-tech solutions. We will examine simple and practical methods for teachers to keep the focus, attention, and participation levels high with their primary learners, while reaching the academic goals.

Block 4: 27th February 2021, 11:00 - 12:00 GMT (UTC)

Learner Agency: Strategies and ideas for the secondary and adult classroom by Terrie Craddock

It is not a new concept that learning is more effective when teaching practices support students as active in their own learning.
Learning that is characterized by learning agency sees learners as active participants in their own learning and engages them in the design of their experiences and the realisation of their learning outcomes, it gives them choice and voice.
This presentation will outline some benefits and challenges of promoting Learner Agency with a particular focus on practical ideas to bring learner agency into the secondary and adult classroom. We will also cover the area of assessment, looking at ideas for continuous, self and peer assessment for learner agency.

Block 4: 27th February 2021, 13:00 - 14:00 GMT (UTC)

Student Wellbeing: An analysis of the evidence - What does research tell us about the link between wellbeing and improved educational outcomes? by Penelope Woolf & Jane Digby

In recent years, policymakers and practitioners have increasingly focused their attention on the importance of student wellbeing. It goes without saying that recent events have emphasised this as students try to cope with an unprecedented amount of change in the way that they live and learn. This session focuses on evidence collated from research conducted in different countries, to better understand any potential links between wellbeing and academic attainment, as well as other educational outcomes. It has a particular focus on whole-school approaches to promoting wellbeing and explores the factors that contribute towards an effective strategy and implementation.

Block 4: 27th February 2021, 14:00 - 15:00 GMT (UTC)

Teacher Agency: Why everyone benefits when educators are empowered by Sarah Mercer

This talk will explain what language teacher agency is and why everyone in the education system benefits when teachers are empowered to make decisions and contribute their voice. We will reflect on a number of personal and contextual factors that contribute to teachers feeling agentic. The talk will propose three practical steps to enhance teacher agency centred around the ideas of choice, voice, and rejoice.


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